After last saturday’s trip to the farmer’s market, I found myself with a carton of fresh eggs and a huge bunch of kale. I also had a bunch of ricotta cheese leftover from a lasagna I made and had no idea what to do with it. Lo and behold the wonderful world of the internet. Enter these items in on google, and your’e going to find some inspiration. I love fritattas and quiche ( its a mutual love I discovered with one of my dear friends Abby our freshman year of college  because it was the only thing they seemed to cook right in the dining hall). Not only is this a great breakfast, but a great, satisfying snack to eat anytime.

And one last thing before I show you the recipe. Eggs produced in an environment where the little chickens are loved are SO much more tasty than eggs from sad chickens. You can immediately see it in the rich color of the yolks, and you can most definitely taste it in your dish.One time I made these amazing coconut cupcakes with local eggs where the cake was supposed to be white, and it turned out to be a gorgeous yellow color!!  I always try to buy local eggs, it supports your local farmers and they are usually not much more expensive than the grade A jumbos you can pick up at the corner store.

Artichoke and Kale Ricotta Frittata (yes, that rhymes)

Olive oil (for pan coating)
4 eggs, beaten
8 ounces ricotta cheese
4 oz of parmesan/pecorino romano cheese
1 cup artichoke hearts (pre-cooked)
1 bunch kale, roughly chopped

(1 bunch of kale is pretty vague, if you like a lot of kale, put it in!!)

Preheat your oven to 400°F. Grease a cake pan lightly with olive oil (it helps to have a spring-form pan but I didn’t and it still came out fine). In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs, grated cheese and ricotta. Roughly chop the veggies and add to the cheese/egg mixture. Stir until combined. Pour contents of bowl into the greased cake pan and cook until firm, about 40 to 50 minutes. Cool on a wire wrack for 5 to 10 minutes and serve. This fritatta tastes great with a little garlic aoli on top!!