Is Sugar Bad For Me?

MMMmmm. Scones. (Get the recipe for these butternut pecan scones with a clementine glaze!) I’m a dietitian. I don’t believe in diets. I love baking much more than a regular person, and probably turn out, on average, one baked good per week. Well, at least, I used to. Now that I have been living and […]

Summer Zucchini Salad

One of the things I love most about food is how easily it can evoke certain memories within us. This summer, I’ve been volunteering with an amazing breastfeeding group in Providence, called Baby Cafe. We always have snacks available for the attendees, and one of the toddlers offered me some of his animal crackers, which I hadn’t […]

Feeling Our Fullness- Something We Are Born With- Spilling the Beans Guest Blog Post

I feel really lucky to have been a guest blogger on my South Dakota friend Amanda Lambrechts’ blog Spilling the Beans! She is putting her spin on the 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating, so I took on Principle #5- Honoring Your Fullness. During my time as a  breastfeeding counselor, I learned a lot about honoring fullness- […]

A Green Drink

I think everyone has their version of this drink. It’s a great way to get in your greens for the day without woofing down a salad. But not all green drinks are created equal. If you own a juicer, you will have noticed all that gobbeldy gunk that gets extracted as you make the juice, […]

Cauliflower Quesadillas

Cauliflower is trending. Cauliflower is the new thing. Cauliflower rice, cauliflower steaks, cauliflower mash, etc, etc. Its really only a matter of time before people start grinding it up and putting it in their hair as a leave-in conditioner or leaving a floret hanging down from their rear view mirror as an ornament or something […]