I was a vegetarian for a long time. I’m not anymore, but I don’t buy meat much and I rarely cook it. Probably, mostly, because I don’t know how. But I know a once in a life time opportunity when I see it.

I processed (yes killed) my own Thanksgiving turkey. That turkey had a sweet life- living on Pat’s Pastured Farm in Jamestown just roaming the fields as it should, and was killed humanely in a quick, painless instant.  I will let you in on a little secret- it was the best turkey I had ever eaten in my life.

Alive turkeys.
 Dead turkeys ready to be sold.
More photos on Slow Food URI.
So, in the mean time, enjoy my meatless posts.
Here is a dinner:
A recreation of The Garlic‘s garlic cheese spread mentioned in previous post. We went crazy for this, wondering if we could make a  buttload of batches of it and save it in our fridge. Technically you could but I feel like it will always be better fresh. Bread is the 8-grain loaf from the Village Hearth Bakery in Jamestown where I work.
2nd appetizer/first coursey kind of thing:
Goat cheese filled dates, try these fo real they are SO GOOD
Swiss Chard and avocado with parmesan and roasted garlic dressing. Simple and delicious.
Main Course: Sopa/Zuppa/Soup
A split pea and barley soup I concocted the night before. Pureed with leeks, onions, carrots and vegetable broth.  I decided to add sauteed onions because we had one in the fridge. Topped with a dollop of creme fraiche, cilantro and a sprinkle of hot red pepper flakes.
Vanilla bean ice cream with dark chocolate shavings. thrown in were some of the goat cheese filled dates. If I were to recommend any of these one dishes it would be this one. So, so good.
What a great meal. Probably one of our last soups too, because its SPRING and we don’t need to eat soul-warming foods anymore. Daffodils!!