Quick Pickles

One time in college, I had a pickling party. I bought about a gallon of vinegar, a dozen mason jars, and a whole lotta salt. We made classic pickles, pickled onions, tomato sauce (someone brought like 12 boxes of tomatoes? They worked on a farm I guess?) Anyways, it ended up being a lot of […]

Is Sugar Bad For Me?

MMMmmm. Scones. (Get the recipe for these butternut pecan scones with a clementine glaze!) I’m a dietitian. I don’t believe in diets. I love baking much more than a regular person, and probably turn out, on average, one baked good per week. Well, at least, I used to. Now that I have been living and […]

Feeling Our Fullness- Something We Are Born With- Spilling the Beans Guest Blog Post

I feel really lucky to have been a guest blogger on my South Dakota friend Amanda Lambrechts’ blog Spilling the Beans! She is putting her spin on the 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating, so I took on Principle #5- Honoring Your Fullness. During my time as a  breastfeeding counselor, I learned a lot about honoring fullness- […]

A Green Drink

I think everyone has their version of this drink. It’s a great way to get in your greens for the day without woofing down a salad. But not all green drinks are created equal. If you own a juicer, you will have noticed all that gobbeldy gunk that gets extracted as you make the juice, […]

Cauliflower Quesadillas

Cauliflower is trending. Cauliflower is the new thing. Cauliflower rice, cauliflower steaks, cauliflower mash, etc, etc. Its really only a matter of time before people start grinding it up and putting it in their hair as a leave-in conditioner or leaving a floret hanging down from their rear view mirror as an ornament or something […]