If sushi is made in the forest and there is no one around to eat it, does it still make a sound?
Note: picture is taken by a lame cell phone camera. Expect better quality pictures in posts to come.

A text I received one cold December afternoon:

“How do you feel about making sushi tonight?”

Make our own sushi? Don’t you have to be a famous sushi chef to do that, one who can fillet a fish in one second? Seems complicated. Yet as it turned out, he had already bought the fish, not to mention those special bamboo rolling mats. Sushi it was and honestly, I was a bit apprehensive.

But you know what? Its not as hard as it sounds. And once we were done (after a few sushi rice mishaps) well, we were proud. It looked good, really good.

An epiphany was born that very night.

No two people would make 40+ sushi rolls and just act like that was a thing all people do on Tuesday nights. And might I add- its not just sushi either. I am a broke college student but whenever I do round up some funds, where do they go? Straight down my esophagus- a splurge on a winter squash perhaps, or a trip to Diego’s restaurant in Newport. Maybe some lentils for soup, or possibly eating the best flan ever known to man. Herbs at the farmer’s market? Taco night? Or, coconut macaroons anyone? What’s that? I’ve been to almost every restaurant on Thames street? I admit: I am a food lover, okay, food obsessor.

A food blog will be the answer to my undocumented madness.  Here I shall pour my heart out about the food I already can’t stop talking about. Maybe I can give some good restaurant reviews or share a tasty recipe (I do make up our own a lot). Not only that, but maybe I can give you reason to cook with local, healthy, organic ingredients- something very important to me. Whatever I post though, we can promise you this: great food. I hope you dig it. ‘Cause I certainly do.