Hello there.

I’d like to show you some pictures of a place I went a while ago.

I’m not going to talk much.

These pictures speak for themselves.


If this meaty picture doesn’t peak your interest, then I’m not really sure what will.


It’s Oaxaca Mexico, a place I have since dubbed “delicious food capital of the world”.

These fresh markets were everywhere.

And I ate crickets.


This was an organic farmer’s market we visited upon our first day there.

Have you ever had beet, carrot and orange juice? Well, you should!


Salad with fresh grapefruit and orange. I think these colors say it all.


Heaps of cafe con leche was consumed. These people know how to make their coffee!


A delectable tostada with fresh greens from the farmers market. Fresh juice squeezed right in front of me.


For desert, a toasted coconut muffin.


Aaand of course, more cafe con leche.


There is a little fire going on under that stone, and when this Zapotec woman grinds the cocoa beans and adds just the right amount of sugar, it melts and begins to glisten- making fresh, still warm chocolate. That was probably one of the most delicious things I have ever tasted.

It is so so wonderful to travel, and to be able to experience the taste of a place.

I hope I get to do this often in my life.