Feeling Our Fullness- Something We Are Born With- Spilling the Beans Guest Blog Post

I feel really lucky to have been a guest blogger on my South Dakota friend Amanda Lambrechts’ blog Spilling the Beans! She is putting her spin on the 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating, so I took on Principle #5- Honoring Your Fullness. During my time as a  breastfeeding counselor, I learned a lot about honoring fullness- […]

Big Moves, Small Budgets

I moved across the country with a man who wears a Flamingo shirt. The buffalo, however, stayed right where he was in South Dakota. The feeling of freedom is hard to describe. Right now I am young and the world is my oyster. Once I felt that college diploma in my hand, I knew there […]

Oaxaca, Mexico

Hello there. I’d like to show you some pictures of a place I went a while ago. I’m not going to talk much. These pictures speak for themselves. If this meaty picture doesn’t peak your interest, then I’m not really sure what will. It’s Oaxaca Mexico, a place I have since dubbed “delicious food capital […]

Food for Thought

Everyone is taking pictures of their food these days. It seems to me that the human pre-meal ritual has switched over from saying grace and praising god, to hashtagging, gramming and showing the world how beautiful our meals can be. Snap, filter and post, so that the world will know of your delicious chow.  I […]

Costa Rica

I am incredibly lucky. I was able to study abroad in Costa Rica for three months studying environmental science. I visited coffee farms, rainforests, volcanoes and beautiful national parks- not to mention I got to live on a small sustainable farm with 27 of the coolest people I’ve ever met. Oh yeah, and I got […]

Beauty of the Bake

I have not posted in a while, it’s been a busy summer! I whipped these up for my dear friend Kelsey on her birthday. I have minimal talents besides cooking, so I usually will bake my friends and family a dessert of their choice on their special day. These cupcakes are the result of two […]

The Best Wine EVER

For some reason, my dad really values my opinion on wine, even though I am a total newbie when it comes to taste. There are not many wines that I love being a newbie, but Apothic Red had me from the start. First off, you can’t go wrong with the price ($9.99) and second, its […]

A Summer Night with Friends

I wasn’t planning on posting this meal. However, I had been cooking all night for a couple friends at my house and after telling me how good our meal tasted they all demanded it be posted on the blog. Friends enjoying food. This is a cool technique. We simply steamed veggies and chicken on the […]