Gluten Free Grilled Pizza

My friend Thom is an amazing cook and we have been meaning to get together and do so for a long time. It finally happened a couple weeks ago. We invited my best friend Hadley, who happens to be one a dem Gluten-Free peeps. Thom and I took that on as a challenge and grilled […]


SoRRY sorry. I know I have not posted in….well its been almost two months. I apologize to all of you millions of viewers out there. I know you have all been waiting anxiously and in the previous months  have found yourself at a loss due to the absence. I know, its ok. We’re back. Anyways, […]

Maybe we are Neanderthals

On Easter Sunday my dad and I were hanging out in our yard shootin’ the breeze when suddenly we remembered that Sheep’s Sorrel (Scientific name: Rumex acetosella) grows in our yard. My father has a degree in botany and a master’s in soil chemistry, and he has taught me all I know about edible plants. […]

Broccoli, Celery- gotta be

I was a vegetarian for a long time. I’m not anymore, but I don’t buy meat much and I rarely cook it. Probably, mostly, because I don’t know how. But I know a once in a life time opportunity when I see it. I processed (yes killed) my own Thanksgiving turkey. That turkey had a […]


Killington Vermont.  My best friend Kelsey and I embarked on the journey in her father’s Subaru wagon packed with snacks, skis and CDs. We were staying about 2 miles down the road from the mountain in a little place called the Butternut Pancake Inn (yes it was just as cute as it sounds). Each day as […]

A Real Rhody Breakfast

You know what I love to do? Wake up inappropriately late, saunter around in my snowflake jammies, yell at my cats who are sitting on the counter when they are not supposed to be and make an insanely delicious breakfast. Since I am a student at URI and I live on campus, (which means a […]

The Last Supper

He was leaving for San Francisco. I was leaving for Vermont. How do we celebrate our last evening together? By eating lots and lots of food. I’m going to use this post to give my my little speech on how important I believe local food is. After this I won’t bother you with it again […]

Sushi and Beginnings

 If sushi is made in the forest and there is no one around to eat it, does it still make a sound? Note: picture is taken by a lame cell phone camera. Expect better quality pictures in posts to come. A text I received one cold December afternoon: “How do you feel about making sushi […]